Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Volunteer And Culture Xp, Akatsi, Ghana, West Africa

The mission of Volunteer and Culture Xp is to create and promote volunteer opportunities that improve the lives of others and the environment in which they live.

We do this by supporting the work of local communities in various countriesthrough the placement of international volunteers.

At the same time, we work with all of our partners to ensure that each program meets the high standards of quality that you expect and deserve as a volunteer.

All volunteer programs depend on the skilled coordination of a variety of elements: organized projects, volunteers, meaningful work and supportive staff.

It is our goal at Volunteer and Culture Xp to get all this set up for you. We use our experience and resources to provide volunteer experiences that bring pride and satisfaction to everyone involved.

Ghanathink Foundation, Accra, Ghana, West Africa

We are an Africa-focused think-tank based in Ghana. We aim, among other things, to serve as a source and reservoir of ideas for the advancement of all humanity, beginning from the society and culture that has most influenced our way of thinking about the world—our cultural neighborhood Ghana; to organize the mass of brilliant Ghanaian talent around the world in the service of their cultural neighborhood.

GhanaThink seeks to mobilize and deploy Diasporean volunteer labor for the primary benefit of Ghana, and consequently of Africa and the whole world, for we are each our brother's keeper.